• Kage AU — Part 1


    Itachi : *in the middle of paper war with stoick expression*

    Shisui : *enters in the room* Itachi…?

    Itachi : *looks at Shisui*  was this mistake?

    Shisui : *looks at him * Are you ok? I just came to told you that we are waiting for your orders to finish the preparations to welcome the other Kages...

    Itachi: * jumps from the chair * are they here already?! ... Oh that can't be yet... Sorry, I'm little... Stressed. ... * Rubs his head*

    Shisui : *laughs a little bit * Itachi, stress doesn't suit you well you know. It's okay, don't panic. There are not there yet but we must finish some things to welcome them the best we can. * comes near to Itachi and put his hand on his shoulder*

    Itachi: * smiles * yes. Everything has to be perfect. ... Can you do a favor for me? I know it's too much of me to ask if you this since you already do so much for me...

    Shisui : You know you can ask me everything, Itachi smiles

    Itachi : * looks at Shisui and nods * ... Could you look out for Arina and Sasuke? They have tendency to get in trouble... and trouble is the last thing we need on this event. ... You can refuse if it's too much for you. I will understand.

    Shisui : oh. I see. *smiles, amused * You are worried about them as always. You indeed are a good big brother. Fine, I will look for them.

    Itachi: * gives a genuine smile * thank you. I don't know where I would be without you. ... But you have to admit, they are little troublemakers. Especially Sasuke.

    Shisui : Sasuke just want your attention.

    Itachi : *sighs* I know. But as the hokage my time is limited. He knows that. I must... Keep us safe.

    Shisui : it's normal and you do your best. You are a great Hokage don't worry. Everybody admires you in the village you know. Take a breath. *smiles * I'll looking for them now.

    Itachi : * takes a deep breath * good. So what needs to be checked? I hope we have lots of sweets. I heard Kazekage likes sweets. He might be hard one to persuade to sign the treaty.

    Shisui : we have sweets ready. Like a great feast just for them. I think we just need to assigne them houses where they could sleep the time they spend here.

    Itachi : *gives it a thought * we have couple of fancy inns, with hot springs. Or should we give more hospitality and invite them closer to us... * Ponders out loud *

    Shisui : you mean, closer to Uchiha's estate?

    Itachi: * looks at Shisui * great idea, Shisui. We could keep close eye to them and that they are having a good time.

    Shisui : you can just assigned them in a house of the Uchiha district. Then you would guide them through the village like in the different places, markets, shops and hot springs so they can relax before the banquet and the discussions.

    Itachi : * nods intensively * yes, that sounds good. ... But I guess I should ask Sasuke and Arina if it's okay for them...

    Shisui : *smiles * Always worried. Do you want me to ask them?

    Itachi: That isn't necessary, I can talk to them. I could use some fresh air. Have you seen them? Or are they at home? * takes his kage hat from the desk *

    Shisui : yes, take a break, my friend. * smiles * I think they are home. But, maybe they are training with their teams?

    Itachi: ... Maybe I check home first. If there is anything else, you know where to find me. smiles *exits the office *

    Shisui : I'll give your orders to the others then. See you.


    IN KAZEKAGE'S OFFICE, 3 DAYS AGO (en gros, c'est dans le passé comparé à ce qu'il se passe avant avec Ita et Shisui)

    Sasori : *preparing stuff to visit Konoha for the future event *

    Chiyo: knocks on the door of the office

    Sasori : * doesn't say anything for a moment but finally...* Come in.

    Chiyo: * comes in * finally, you sure know how to make old people wait. I have a bad back, you know.

    Sasori : * turning his head and looking at his grandma, don't tell anything about what she said * What do you want?

    Chiyo: * scoffs * I heard about the celebration in Konoha. So what are they planning this time?

    Sasori : it's for a treaty signing. The last war did a lot of damages and deaths. So we will discuss about the terms of the peace in Konoha. *sighs * You should take my place at the head of the village the time I spend there.

    Chiyo: nods of course. But I'm not sure if Konoha should be... Trusted. Well maybe years of being Kazekage has made you smart enough to spot untrustworthy people. * Grin *

    Sasori : *he doesn't forget about the fact it's because of White Fang of the Leaf that his parents are not there anymore * ....... Trust me, I am aware of it.

    Chiyo: I know you are. And at the matter at hand. We might need a new microwave.

    Sasori : .....a new microwave....?

    Chiyo: Yumi took it a part. For her project she said. * Gives a worried look to Sasori *

    Sasori : .........

    Sasori : * siiiiiiiiiighhhhhhs * Ok..

    Sasori : *more like : help me pls *

    Chiyo: * raises her hand like, I'm not dealing with this * she is your daughter, you should talk to her. I am just the nice Granny who spoils her great grandkid.

    Sasori : *giving a disappointed look to Chiyo * You should watch after her more carefully...... *sighs again * I'll talk to her, then.

    Chiyo: oh, I got an idea. You could take her with you. To Konoha. Wouldn't that be splendid?

    Sasori : ......taking her with me?.... *considering it *

    Chiyo: she could find something more interesting than taking apart household appliances for her computer thingie. And maybe she could meet someone. * Wink wink *

    Sasori : She would not meet someone without my permission. lol Maybe you are right. I'll talk with her about it. *finishing his preparations * *walks outside the office *

    Chiyo: *chuckles * of course. * Waits till Sasori has left the room * ... I guess national Granny day could be a thing…



    Sasori : *coming home ... * ....Yumi ?

    Yumi: * sits middle of her room surrounded by microwave parts * Yes?

    Sasori : .......*sees the microwaves and rolleyes * ....we need to talk.

    Yumi: *looks at Sasori over her shoulder * wow, that sounded serious.

    Sasori : without talking about the fact I need to buy another microwave....*sighs * I want you to come with me in Konoha.

    Yumi: ... Konoha? Now? Why? I mean,  I just got this project really going on, with this I can beat Kankuro's sorry ass when he dared to challenge me.

    Sasori : you'll beat Kankuro's ass later, young girl. I have to go to Konoha and your Granny has the great idea for me to ask you coming with me.

    Yumi: Granny just wants me to go outside and meet ...people. She says I work too much. ... Do you think there is something interesting in Konoha? * looks at the floor silently *

    Sasori : you can make friends.

    Yumi: ... * laughs * good one, dad. I have enough friends. ... I will come, but with one condition. * raises her hand with pointer finger raised, establishing the one condition *

    Sasori : .....hm?

    Yumi: * smile * Once we get back home, you have to spar with me. With puppets, fair and square. It's been ages since we last did that.

    Sasori : i don't have time to spar...

    Yumi: ... oh, okay. * keeps a poker face, even though she is little sad * ... maybe the coffee maker has the part I'm looking for. * stand up *

    Sasori : Fine..i will spar with you but don't take the coffee maker. *lmao *

    Yumi: Great! * Smile * so it's a promise, right?

    Sasori : ...I guess. But go prepare your bagages. You know I hate waiting.

    Yumi: Yes, yes, I have been aware of that for 14 years. ... To be honest I'm interested on meeting the new Tsuchikage. I want to see why you have lost half of your sleep over him. * chuckles *

    Sasori : .......that brat. *sigh * he will make me loose my mind one day. Seriously, you don't loose anything if you haven't met him yet. He is just a brat who don't know anything about his job and............art.

    Yumi: So why are you helping him if he pushes your buttons the wrong way? * looks around the floor thinking if she should clean the microwave parts before Granny comes and messes up the careful order they are in *

    Sasori : ......... *well, she has a point there * Because I'm his mentor and that's my job. That's all.

    Yumi: * amused * Isn't your job to be Kazekage? * picks up her bag and starts packing *

    Sasori : well, it is. That's why I need to go to Konoha myself.

    Yumi: So, maybe you in some way find him amusing and that's why you * gasp * care so much. * laughs while packing *

    Sasori : I DON'T care about him.

    Yumi: ... * Looks at Sasori with questioning look * * so not believing it * whatever. Have you already packed?

    Sasori : Yes, i did it this morning.

    Yumi: * nods * well I'm ready so I guess we will go? You got your bodyguards armed and ready? * * Exits her room *

    Sasori : Rasa is waiting for us at the village gate.

    Sasori : *and shows her his several scrolls, it's his puppets *

    Yumi: cool. * Locks her room with a key * how long it will take for us to get to Konoha?

    Sasori : Two or three days actually. That's why we need to go now right.

    Yumi: * nod * * follows Sasori obediently *

    Sasori : * so they leave the village with Rasa ~ *

    Rasa: * questions the decision to bring Yumi with them *

    Yumi: hmph. I got permission. ... * Quietly * for once.

    Sasori : *glares at his daughter *

    Sasori : It's a good opportunity for her to learn more about the world. *moreover, he wants to spend time with her but he doesn't admit it *

    Rasa: ... I always wondered what happened to her, she used to be so sweet girl... * Walks beside Sasori * 

    Yumi: * hey, I'm right here ya know * * pouts while walking behind of them *

    Sasori : Teenage rebellion.

    Yumi: hey, you don't want to see me actually rebel. Rasa: * looks over his shoulder * yeah... That would be... Horrid. * Not taking Yumi seriously *

    Sasori : *smirks a bit * *they walk trough the desert *

    Yumi: * hey mister my son wrecked half of the city down with his rampage. I'll remember this. Glares at Rasa * 

    Rasa: how long do we have to stay at Konoha?

    Sasori : the time of the discussions. I don't know. I think three days would be enough.

    Rasa: that sounds reasonable. * Nod * 

    Yumi: three days for signing papers sounds too much...

    Sasori : we have to discuss about the treaty terms too. And I have to talk with Kages about the borders...

    Yumi: what about the borders? * Is genuinely curious * 

    Rasa: ... * Walks silently beside Sasori *

    Sasori : *doen't answer, it's not a question that concern her*

    Yumi: oi ... * Doesn't really like that she is treated like a child. * * I should have stayed home. *

    Sasori : *you ARE a child *

    Yumi: * pouts rest of the  trip while following Sasori and Rasa *



    Deidara: * has fallen asleep under the desk *

    Kurotsuchi : WAKE UUUUUPPPPPP

    Deidara: *gives a pout and rolls on his other side *

    Kurotsuchi : Wake up you dumbass. You'll be late for the Kages meeting. You have not forgot it, right? *pokes him *

    Dei: * open his eyes * how could I forget when I got you to shout at me.

    Kurotsuchi : *smirks * Fortunately, I'm here to remind you everything. Still not understand why the Old Onoki chose you as the next Tsuchikage when you are so lazy like this.

    Deidara: * sighs * I ask the same question Everytime I open my eyes... So when do we leave?

    Kurotsuchi : when you'll finish your pack up

    Dei: * sits upright * that would mean... Maybe tomorrow, hmm.

    Kurotsuchi : then, you have to be a little less lazy and beggining your packing already. Come on, Dei.

    Deidara : * sigh * ... Okay. But I won't be happy about it. Oh yeah, you are coming, right? To Konoha?

    Kurotsuchi : unfortunately, I have to come with you in Konoha

    Dei: great, so when I, Tsuchikage, order you to turn in to me and sit at the meetings, you will gladly accept your fate, hmm? * Smiles *

    Kurotsuchi : *frowns * don't take your position as an advantage to surround me and make fun of me, you idiot. But yeah...I'll accept my fate. Not gladly but I guess I have no choice.

    Dei : I respect your loyalty. *Stand up * so what do you think I need there...

    Kurotsuchi : your head.

    Deidara:  ... *Glares at Kurotsuchi * good that you mentioned it, I always forget that. Ever thought of getting together with Kazekage, you would really get along.

    Kurotsuchi : *smiles * Come on, Dei. I'm not your mom, you can think about what you need to take to Konoha all by yourself, no?

    Dei: yes... * Walks to the door * I will be ready in hour or two. ... Hopefully, hmm. *Leaves the office*

    Kurotsuchi : *sighs*



    Deidara: * arrives at his house *  * starts to pack things up * * mostly clothes, scrolls and some clay*

    Kuro : *comes to Dei's house* Your house is really a mess. *didn't knock or anything lmao *

    Deidara: Like I have any time to clean my own messes, when I have clean Onoki's messes, hmm... * stuffs his bag in aggressive manner *

    Kuro : you need to organise your life in a better way you know.

    Deidara: Me and organizing? Have you met me, hmm? * smiles * * bag is finally full *

    Kuro : true. You're a mess yourself. Since your born. *smirks * But still, you are the younger Kage when I think about it. Even if you are stupid, you seems clever enough to take this charge.

    Dei: * not amused * Hey, who is the Tsuchikage, hmm? Me. Clearly I'm not stupid. ... I just have low motivation for this. * swings the bag on him back * So we might as well go. Maybe it will end sooner if we do, hmm?

    Kurotsuchi : maybe yes. *smiles * Let's go!! I just need to tell Onoki that we go now.

    Dei: ... be careful or he might want to come too. ... He just can't let that kage thing go, hmm... * opens the front door *

    Kurotsuchi : follows him outside Anyway, during your absence, he has to take care of Iwa since I'm not there too.

    Dei : oh yeah... ... Maybe I should check the papers one more time. I don't need two geezers breathing down my neck, hmm... * ponders out loud*

    Kuro : * chuckles * well, do whatever you want Dei 

    Dei: ... Maybe it's okay...  how long does it take to get to Konoha, hmm? Like two days? * Starts to walk towards the village gate *

    Kuro : yes, two or three days. follows him it depends of how rapidly we will cross the borders...

    Dei: well might as well get going then. Or where is Onoki, hmm? * Looks at Kurotsuchi * u said you would tell him we are leaving.

    Kurotsuchi : Let me come back in a minute. *she leaves him, going to Onoki residence and informs him about their department *

    Dei: *looks at the sky, he really isn't looking forward for this event * I guess... My freedom as fleeting as art... Hmm...

    Kurotsuchi : *comes back * We can go now !

    Dei: finally. Did the old man say anything useful?

    Kurotsuchi : "Hope this kid will not be troublesome during the discussion" or something like that

    Dei: oh okay, he was talking about you, hmm. * Grin * * and the journey begins @.@ *

    Kurotsuchi : *rolleyes * *yeahhh go to Konohaaa *

  • Commentaires

    Samedi 16 Décembre 2017 à 22:48

    "Kurotsuchi : your head.

    Deidara:  ... *Glares at Kurotsuchi * good that you mentioned it, I always forget that."


    J'ai juste trop trop ri mdr

    Je maintiens que cet AU est trop cool *^*

      • Samedi 16 Décembre 2017 à 23:34

        MDRR OUI cette partie ! XDD

        Je posterai la suite alors <3 Car les parties les plus intéressantes c'est quand même quand ils sont tous réunis 8D 

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